Friday, May 14, 2010


Kayla came home from school so upset yesterday as they fired her Band Director due to budget cuts they said. She is very upset as this is her Favorite Teacher! Not to mention that he has done a tremendous job with all the kids and he does what he can to help them. He does Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Symophony Band. He teaches kids in 6-12 grade and the lady that they kept (which the kids don't like all that much) only does the high school students.
Kayla really loves the band program as do alot of other students. They had 4+ Grads get full college scholarships due to their performance and Mr. Smiths help. As an example, they went to a competition a few weeks ago that their school hasn't participated in in 18 years and they came back with straight superiors!!! Not to mention like 16 trophies!! This is a great loss to the school and all the students who love him!
Kayla wanted to start a petition (I'm soooo proud of her!!) to take to the school board to try to get him his job back. We are trying to get @ least 1000 signatures. If you'd like to support this cause you can sign the petition HERE and help get Mr. Smith back! I know that Kayla and all the students would greatly appreciate it!!
Thanks sooo much!!!!

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